Is There yet Hope for America?

I wish the answer is YES. But unfortunately, as much as I want to say YES, that is not what I received from the Lord during my prayer of intercession this morning.

Being a watchman is not easy. Being able to see what others do not is never a pleasure. It is fraught with agony as you know what lies ahead and beyond yet you know that there is not much that you can do to change the situation; for with one whose spiritual eyes and ears are open the danger is clear, and with that, the responsibility to warn becomes as enormous as its reality. Then comes the more unpleasant reality- those you are warning are not listening or they refuse to listen because they believe in what they see differently. They will call you a “doom and gloom” prophet, a “killjoy” or just someone who cannot see anything good. But I know my calling and responsibility and so I will speak of what I see and hear regardless of the outcome.

In my time with the Lord this morning I sought Him once again how I should pray for America, what I should tell those who believe that America will be great again. I sought Yahweh for even my own kin and people are still caught up in the great American dream. I inquired of Him if I were only being pessimistic for feeling that America will keep on its path to judgment and not rise again as many believe otherwise.

I believe in His mercy and compassion. I believe He is full of grace and loving kindness. I believe that He answers the prayers of the righteous. I believe that He is able to direct the hearts of kings. I believe about standing in the gap that He should not destroy the land. I believe He does not take pleasure in the death of a sinner but would rather have the sinner turn to Him. I believe He is patient because He does not want anyone to perish. But I am aware of what happened to Israel in spite of Jeremiah’s pleading and lamenting in behalf of the nation. I am aware that he interceded and prayed importunately for his people. I am aware how seriously he went about calling for repentance, warning the leaders and ordinary folks of Yahweh’s judgment if they would not return to Him, if they continue in sin and lawlessness. I am aware he boldly rebuked the kings and the people yet wept before Yahweh in their behalf. And yes, I am also aware of Yahweh’s answer to this faithful prophet. It is in this context that I again earnestly sought the Father’s heart for America.

Then, I knew He was telling me to go over the writings of Jeremiah so, I said, “Yes, I will read again the Book of Jeremiah.”

Prayer to me is never boring because He is responding and I have learned to recognize His voice in my spirit. But to make sure I heard Him right, I seek Him for a word of confirmation from His Word, the Scriptures. This is what I did after praying.

So, I opened my Bible and Jeremiah’s prayer and Yahweh’s answer stood out to me. This is the sobering confirmation:

Jeremiah 14:19-22; 15:1-2

19 Have you rejected Y’hudah completely?
Is Tziyon loathsome to you?
Why have you struck us irreparably?
We looked for peace, but to no avail;
for a time of healing, but instead found terror!
20 We confess our rebellion, Adonai,
also the crimes of our ancestors;
yes, we have sinned against you.
21 For your name’s sake, do not spurn us;
do not dishonor your glorious throne.
Remember your covenant with us;
do not break it.
22 Among the nations’ idols,
can any make it rain?
Can the skies, of themselves,
send showers?
Aren’t you the one,
Adonai, our God?
Don’t we look to you?
For you do all these things.

Then Adonai said to me, “Even if Moshe and Sh’mu’el were standing in front of me, my heart would not turn toward this people! Drive them out of my sight, get them out of here! And when they ask you where they should go, tell them that this is what Adonai says:

‘Those destined for death — to death!
Those destined for the sword — to the sword!
Those destined for famine — to famine!
Those destined for captivity — to captivity!’

Reading those words literally gripped me that I fell silent for a moment. This is the same answer He gave me in the past, at least two times, for the same question which is the title of this article. Nothing has changed. Yahweh has not changed His mind. In spite of the change in leadership, America has not given Him reason to change His mind.

Jeremiah 18:7-10

At one time, I may speak about uprooting, breaking down and destroying a nation or kingdom; but if that nation turns from their evil, which prompted me to speak against it, then I relent concerning the disaster I had planned to inflict on it. Similarly, at another time, I may speak about building and planting a nation or kingdom; 10 but if it behaves wickedly from my perspective and doesn’t listen to what I say, then I change my mind and don’t do the good I said I would do that would have helped it.

When the US Supreme Court in 2015 ruled in favor of same sex marriage, I asked Yahweh, “What do you say now, Lord? What is your message to this people?”

The answer He gave me is Jeremiah 14:10. You may read the article here:

The Father’s Response to the US Supreme Court Ruling that Gay Marriage is a Right

Is there yet hope for America? Will America be great again? His answer is found in those words in Jeremiah 18:7-10 and 2 Chronicles 7:14

14 then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.

If Yahweh sees the kind of repentance that Nineveh did after Jonah’s warning, America will certainly recover. But will the nation repent as Nineveh did in Jonah’s time? I wish I can give a positive answer but the answer He gave me when I asked that question in 2012 is this one word, “Nahum.”

Nahum was the prophet who was sent to Nineveh after about 100 years of Jonah’s warning and the people repenting. This time Nineveh did not repent and so the nation was destroyed. See also this article by Joel Rosenberg:

Is America Facing a “Jonah” Moment or, a “Nahum” Moment?

Is there hope for America? I believe that as a nation her fate is sealed. But as I keep telling everyone, those who listen and repent and turn to Him will certainly be saved. Noah and his family, Lot and his family were spared when judgment fell upon their generation. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Isaiah 55:6-7

Seek Adonai while he is available,
call on him while he is still nearby.
Let the wicked person abandon his way
and the evil person his thoughts;
let him return to Adonai,
and he will have mercy on him;
let him return to our God,
for he will freely forgive.

Love in Yeshua,
