A Vision: Roger Waters and BDS

When I read the news on Roger Waters slamming Scarlett Johansson and Neil Young on their refusal to boycott Israel, I remembered the vision I had back in 2011 which I wrote in my old blog. Today, as I read another story on this on Arutz Sheva, the Holy Spirit strongly prompted me to write the vision and publish it here. First, here are the news:

Here’s the vision I wrote in June 2011.

Around 6:30 in the morning on June 3 while still enjoying the comfort of my bed half awake, the Lord startled me with a snapshot of ‘pink men’ (the color of their skin was pink) getting out of their car. Along with the image was the thought that these men represent a group, and spontaneously I heard in my spirit, ‘Global Council.’ The whole scene just lasted a few seconds but it was enough to fully awaken me. With eyes wide open, I pondered what could these pink men and Global Council mean?

I went straight to the computer and searched for “Pink” and “Global Council.” I was equally surprised at what I found as I was with the vision. The search terms led me straight to the blog “Global Affairs Council,” particularly showing the following article which is still there today. (Note: Obviously you won’t get the same result today as I got it more than two years ago.)

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters and American Folk Music Legend Pete Seeger Joined in Support of BDS

I had no doubt that the vision was about this because throughout 2011 I often received a word or a vision that concerned Israel. This occurred after the Lord showed me in a dream that Christians should pray for and stand with Israel. Before the vision, I honestly didn’t know anything about BDS and of Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters’ campaign. Truth is, before God opened my spiritual eyes and ears, I didn’t know much about Israel’s standing in the world and the world’s negative attitude towards this tiny nation. Only when the Lord started showing me things about Israel which led me to search and read did I begin to understand what’s going on in the Land of Promise. Most importantly, God’s revelations to me made me fully appreciate His great love and mercy for Israel and the Jewish people.

This vision does not only tell us to intercede against this ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ (BDS) on Israel that Roger Waters is supporting and promoting, but this is also solid proof that God is watching over this nation. He knows exactly what her enemies are doing and none of their plans, schemes and devises escape Him. I don’t need to remind the Christians that the Palestinians’ and the world’s claim about the Land of Israel and the Jews are distorted. The Jews are not illegal occupants of Israel for God who owns the land gave it to them as their inheritance in view of the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).

I also would like to remind the Christians who claim to be people of God but still stand on the opposite when it comes to issues about Israel and the Jews. Make up your mind for God sees your heart. Do not make it an excuse that they are as sinful as the rest of the world for the Father knows that very well. Also, this is not about siding with Israelis against the Palestinians as I have written that likewise God wants us to intercede for the latter. This is about Him. Our role is to pray according to His will. As ones saved by grace through the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, we are called to side and stand with Him in His plans and purposes for Israel and the Jews. God appointed and raised this tiny nation to manifest His Sovereignty and power to the lost world. Through them He will accomplish His plans and purposes for all mankind. The second coming of the Messiah is not only for the gentile Christians but for the full restoration of Israel and the Jews for all the world to see. He will glorify His Name and show to the unbelieving and deceived world that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who created the heavens and the earth lives.

Philippians 2:10-11

10 that in honor of the name given Yeshua,
every knee will bow
in heaven, on earth and under the earth —
11 and every tongue will acknowledge[a]
that Yeshua the Messiah is Adonai
to the glory of God the Father.

For all watchmen and intercessors, this campaign to boycott Israel is something that God wants us to pray for and intercede because this is a scheme to pressure her leaders to give in to the demands of the enemy to give up and divide the land that the Father freely gave them.

Psalm 122:6

Pray for shalom in Yerushalayim;
may those who love you prosper.

Love in Yeshua,



There is no coincidence in God. What I just received in my email from Jerusalem 365 after publishing this article is His confirmation of what I shared above; that the Jews are not illegally occupying the Land of Israel (Palestine as the world wrongly claims) for it is their inheritance from Him as He promised to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob:

Ezekiel 47:14

You shall inherit the Land, each tribe equal to his brother, about which I raised My hand to give it to your forefathers; this Land shall become yours as an inheritance.