A Prophetic Vision: America is Sinking!


On Nov. 1 the Lord woke me up around 3:00 a.m. As I was praying I saw the sinking of the ships “America” and the  “United States” which Brother Carlos wrote about in his article, “US Presidential Election 2012: This Ship is Going Down (Obama Files Volume III)” followed by the sinking of the HMS Bounty which was sunk by the Superstorm Sandy. This vision is obviously a confirmation of the prophetic message of the sinking ships as written by Brother Carlos. See the article here:


While I was watching the sinking of the ships I heard “…and the Church stood still!” Very shortly thereafter I saw the Statue of Liberty prominently against an utterly dark background. Then I saw it broken, the head and the torch very visibly lying on the ground.

The following day, Nov. 2, again the Lord woke me up at 3:00 a.m. Then I heard and saw over and over, “Billy Graham’s final call to repentance is unheeded!” It was like I was seeing the news headline for the day. Then I heard another message, like someone was shouting, “The Cities of the Plain! The Cities of the Plain!” I said that the Cities of the Plain are Sodom and Gomorrah. Then I heard, “America is like Sodom and Gomorrah!” Then I saw myself dragging/pulling an emergency ladder to help people get out of a burning building. Then I heard again, “The final call to repentance is unheeded! Shout it out loud!”

As I prayed about the visions and the messages, the Lord gave me this:
“As America is fast sinking, the undiscerning church, the lukewarm Church of Laodicea is standing still, doing nothing. When the Lord gave this message, I saw a broken cross, the symbol of the church on the ground. On the other hand, the Remnant Church, the True Church remains standing and won’t sink with the nation as she is kept safe by the Lord.” As I heard it I saw a church standing amidst rubbles.

Those words are very sobering. God sees that many will not pay attention to the call to repentance. God sees that the wickedness of America is like the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah which received His judgment as the stench of their sins and iniquities had gone high up to Heaven. Just as He overthrew the Cities of the Plain, He will overthrow America for her wickedness and unrepentant attitude.

Isaiah 13: 19 (CJB)

Then Bavel, the jewel of kingdoms, the pride and glory of the Kasdim, will be like S’dom and Amora when overthrown by God.

When the Lord fulfilled the word He gave me about the major disaster that came by way of the Superstorm Sandy, the heaviness I have been feeling has mounted that I thought I won’t go online nor write anything anymore. But as the election is coming to a conclusion just hours away, I feel even more deeply troubled having heard so much of the nation’s fate and knowing that the majority of the populace still believes that the next president, Obama or Romney, could stir America back to her glory days. Such belief is wrong. God is neither with the two hopeful leaders so none of them can bring the nation back to where she was. None can revive America for she has stubbornly refused God.

Obama has shown much of his true colors during his time as President. For us who know and acknowledge God, His Word and His Sovereignty, Obama is far from being a man of God, in fact, he is obviously of the powers of darkness.

For the discerning, Mitt Romney is likewise not one who will seek the heart of God for America. His recent speech already gave way as to how he intends to lead the nation- by his American efforts. Quoted from BBC News he said: “We are Americans- we can do anything.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20196459

That is arrogance, American pride which led the nation to bankruptcy financially, morally and spiritually. Over the years America has been proud of her achievements. She has indulged herself in luxury and comforts that even the church became complacent and apathetic. She forgot that it was God who made her great among the nations. She turned away from the One who blessed and made her great. Mitt Romney, like most blind Americans, thinks he can build America again by his leadership as he declared, “We are Americans – we can do anything.”

Proverbs 16:18 (CJB)

Pride goes before destruction, and arrogance before failure.

America as a nation will fall. No leader is able to bring her back to her former glory unless the nation repents like Nineveh repented in Jonah’s time. But the Lord God is still extending His hands to receive anyone who will humbly acknowledge Him and repent. His warnings are meant to let everyone know where the nation is headed; and to let everyone who will listen come to Him in safety while he can. God is compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Yet the cup is full; the wickedness of the nation is spilling all over. The just and righteous Father will soon put an end to all wickedness.

Isaiah 13: 11 (CJB)

“I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity. I will end the arrogance of the proud and humble the insolence of tyrants “

As the Lord commanded, “Shout it out loud!,” again, hear Him as He is calling.

Isaiah 55: 6-7

Seek Adonai while He is available, call on Him while He is still nearby. Let the wicked person abandon his way and the evil person his thoughts; let Him return to Adonai, and He will have mercy on him; let him return to our God for He will freely forgive.

Love in Yeshua,


Please read also:



45 thoughts on “A Prophetic Vision: America is Sinking!

  1. Amen and amen, Sister. Billy Graham’s call goes unheeded because even he drank the koolaid and tried to legitimize Mitt Romney. Our citizenship is in heaven, let us not cling to that which is falling. May God give us the strength and endurance for the race ahead of us and the work we have to do.

    Thank you for sharing,


  2. Hi brother, you are correct. That’s what made my heart so heavy when the Lord pointed out the the great evangelist compromised with Mitt Romney so that weakens the call to repentance. Very sad.

    Shalom to you!

  3. Dear Cynthia,
    Wild that you saw the Statue of Liberty head lying on the ground. Nathan Leal also had this vision a few years ago (I think). And like I stated on brother Carlos’s page, Father was showing me that the US looks like a piggy bank and I too heard, “from the head, down.” Yahwey be with us all!

    • Hi Deirdre,

      This is actually the second time I saw the Statue of Liberty broken. The first time was when the Lord revealed or confirmed the prophetic connection between A.A. Allen’s vision and Don McLean’s popular song “American Pie.”

      Yes, I noticed the piggy bank shape of the map of the U.S. It’s amazing indeed how our Father shows us things from spiritual perspective.


  4. Cynthia, no doubt this election is not a good choice for the country either way. The real election is in our hearts-Whom we serve. For as bad as things have been, the Lord will raise up a remnant and with that great hope. Isaiah 11 is truly coming alive to me. Our redemption is nigh and we will overcome, not as Americans, but as the children of God. God bless you!

    • Hi Carrie,

      Yes, the election is not a good choice not only for the US but also for the rest of the world. What’s coming to America will certainly affect the world; and I say Obama’s re-election is what is intended to happen and it is not a time of rejoicing but a time of mourning. This is the time when the Church has to make a radical choice to either serve Him and only Him or to go on compromising with the rest of the world.

      Blessings in Yeshua,

  5. Hi Cynthia,
    God is moving in America! He is wooing His people back to Him but the hearts of many are like stone, therefore, the storms will continue until a TRUE repentant breaking has taken place. How long that will take? Only God knows but I do know, America will NEVER be the same! As for the elections… it doesn’t matter who win, the courts of heaven have marked the path for this country and all will see that both candidates will pave the way for the antichrist! God have mercy on this nation! Be blessed, stay connected and keep the faith!

    • Hi Deborah,

      Right on dear sister, America’s leader particularly Obama, is paving the way for the AC. That’s what I saw in the visions of the fallen Obama and the crowning of the “666 Man” which I will be writing as the Lord leads. God have mercy on us all for America’s fall also means the fall of the rest of the nations in the hands of the AC which is very near.

      Blessings in Yeshua,

  6. Reading this brought to mind what dream I had last night, which I thought was just a personal dream for me, since as of late have gotten off course. I vaguely remember the dream, but I do remember seeing the Statue of Liberty from bust upwards sticking out of the water at an odd angle. Cant remember much more on the Statue dream though. But the fact that it was submerged was odd for me. And reading this post just brought it to mind. I say this with resignation, It is done. It has been decided, the people have chosen and God will deliver. Then please pray that Father protect those that remain.
    In another dream I was with my deceased parents, whereas my mom tried to convince me to remain here, and in the sky I saw the Kingdom of the Father as this enormous castle floating in the sky, I immediately began praying the Lords prayer, but knew that I missed the last train out and I was stuck here for the tribulation, even though I was saddened, knew that I deserved it because I had lost my way and that I would remain here to recuperate afterwards. Strange part is that my own mother was doing everything that she could to ensure that I remained. So be it. The Father’s will be done.

    • Hello Angela,

      You’re dream of the Statue of Liberty submerged in the water is a confirmation of the sinking of America for the statue symbolizes the nation.
      Praise God for your mother ensuring that you remain, remain steadfast in the Lord to the end. Be encouraged dear sister that the True Church will be kept by the Lord. It is time to make the radical commitment to remain in Christ as the days ahead are getting tougher and only in Him will we thrive and survive.

      Shalom in Yeshua,

    • Tim I think you hit the nail in the coffin. Whenever there is a double, it is a confirmation. Two terms, two storms, two statements ‘this is sodom, this is sodom’. and then of course there are the many believers who are receiving the exact same message.

    • Hi Tim,

      Sad that America has become Sodom and Gomorrah, and the call to repentance is shunned by the majority. Truly the days ahead are disastrous; praise God, there will be individuals repenting as the Lord is still gracious to men despite the nation’s inevitable end. That’s why He commands us to shout out loud His message to America, the Church and the world.

      Blessings in Yeshua,

  7. Since Huricane Sandy came on the scene, God has poured prophetic images and revelation of the “principalities and powers of darkness” that are being exposed and judged – and separated from the tares/darkness in His church – into my dreams and my waking moments with “write this down” – things that have paralleled dreams and visions and instructions to write down and instructions of how to survive the “tragedy of the Titanic” that He gave by prophesy in 2000 and then happened to my family/my health – on *Sept. 17, 2005. (Sept 17 is the day of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.) I have not been able to eat or sleep since Sandy lest I write these things down; and God poured forth this Word from my lips this Sunday morning in church: “What fellowship hath light with darkness. For I alone am the The Light of the World. It is I who brings judgment for the wickedness of the nation, and it is I who will start first with My House. Come out from the darkness.” (I don’t know that this is exact – I was so overtaken by fear and trembling after the prophecy was brought forth that I had to sit down and am still “shaken” – I have only one other time felt moved to speak a prophetic Word – and that was also a warning to the church – in 2009.) There was immediately afterward an outpouring of His Spirit, and some wept and others praised… but by the end of the service, I “acknowledged” that few heard the call.

    What the Lord has given me is, I believe, both prophecy to warn the church, and instructions for those who will need Joshua’s to take them through the wilderness and across the Jordan in these last days. It is 22 pages long, single space. It is not replacement of Scripture, it is application and resources and websites of verification of the “principalities and powers and rulers in high places” with whom we wrestle. We as the Remnant do not have much time – and we must not get entangled in this world’s affairs if we will be used by the Lord as a shield and refuge and signs and bulwarks to the perishing. Please, let us not get into pointing fingers at our brethren, such as Billy Graham. That is a tool of our Enemy – it is he who stands before our Gracious God and Saviour Jesus Christ as an acuser of the Saints and he knows that the house divided against itself cannot stand. David knew this – he refused to take vengeance on an ungodly, jealous, out of control, used-to-be-his father-in-law king named Saul: we should not be exposing the “nakedness” of one of our spiritual fathers – we are all warned that we can easily fall into temptation ourselves and we are not all being given the full revelation: the fear of the Lord and humility are our ONLY two spiritual eyes – we must pray that God removes our own logs and splinters!

    • Psalm 34:14 tells us we are to
      “Turn from evil and do good;
      seek peace and pursue it.”
      If a great leader of the people turns away from God and His Word, are we not to discern this,
      So we too, will not be led astray?
      Should we then remain silent,
      And forbid ourselves to warn another
      Of the same danger?

      I didn’t hear anyone attacking Mr. Graham or seeking vengeance upon him. What I heard is that his focus has strayed from God. I read this as a warning call for us as believers, and a call for believers to then pray for him. Warning us to keep our eyes fixed upon the will of our Father, and praying for others, is very much the Will of our God!

    • Hi Debra,

      Thank you for sharing the prophetic message to us. Indeed this is the time of separation of the wheat and the tares. This is the moment when the Church needs to make her stand.
      I agree that we are not to point fingers at anyone in the Body of Christ but instead we are to pray that all those who are called by His name will not fall into the traps set up by the enemy; and we are to pray even for our enemies that they may see the Truth and find the Way to our Father.

      God bless you always and keep up the good work for Him.

  8. One other thing … the Statue of Liberty and its “Illumanti” – torch – was given to this Nation by the French branch of the Masons. NYC is the “birthplace” of the Freemasons in the New World. Queen Charlotte (earthquake) is the “Mother” of the 13 ruling monarchs as well as figuratively of the thirteen colonies that were “birthed” from hers and King George III’s monarchy. The movie “Titanic” has connections to the mason’s MK-ULTRA technology (see James Cameron). Every President has been a mason, and the Mormons were founded by a mason. Lord Jesus, open the eyes of our heart to the presence of “the allseeing eye” of the evil counterfeit, that we may warn and not participate ourselves with this darkness.” As with Cynthia, I have wanted a break from this wide-opening of my eyes – the darkness hurts and I am exhausted. Pray for one another. God promises in James to give us wisdom if we pray without doubting: note, WE WILL BE LIKE A SHIP TOSSED TO AND FRO ON A SEA if we ask for this wisdom with any doubt. Better, then, to be ignorant (as in don’t search this out) than to be curious or doubters – seriously: do not dabble with this. We need to be reading JUDE. A little book with a HUGE message. Praise to the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

  9. I’ll be praying not just by myself but for all people..I just want to say every nation has its final warnings. I can feel that our HOLY GOD is moving so fast. Yet we do not know for his return but in our hearts,mind and soul he is already come. I just want to thank GOD for this awakening.. No words to describe my happiness when talking about GOD.

  10. Where we are, there is a sense of dread across the land this night. Even my husband, who usually doesn’t sense things like that, can feel it. Instead of getting ready to vote, I feel like I really should be getting ready for a funeral.

    May God have mercy upon us…

  11. God will keep His people even in the darkest hour but we must stay connected and “hidden” in Him… NO MATTER WHAT! Pray daily! Pray, pray, pray! God does nothing without first warning His servants, the prophets! Ask for discernment for many false prophets will arise in this hour! To prevent “influencing” anyone’s vote we waited to release this post… Be sure to watch attached video! 2012 Election Prophecy http://j.mp/TtQYUR. It is proof that God WILL provide guidance and insight regarding current and future events!

    God bless and keep the faith!

  12. Ps 125:1 A Song of degrees. They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
    Ps 125:2 As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.
    Ps 125:3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
    Ps 125:4 Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
    Ps 125:5 As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.

  13. My mom sent me this you tube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2EuCUjpjiw
    Shane Warren, a pastor in Lousianna shared his visions with Sid Roth. Your visions are quite similar to his. As a Christian, I feel the strong urge to share this. I am usually not one to be out spoken about the end of times or prophecies. But, I know that our world is only getting worse. The United States election was a tight race. You can’t help but think that our country is divided about how our country should be ran. I believe that there is a cloud of confusion over our country. We don’t know who to believe or how to answer the tough questions and issues that face our country today. No matter who is running our country, I believe we will go through tougher times. We will look to government to help us, but in the end that will fail us. It might feel that we are all alone. It might feel that we have hit rock bottom, but these are the times that we open our hearts. We look to faith.
    God has been at the bottom, maybe in the middle, but not at the forefront of our lives for way too long. Let’s give God control and there will be no more confusion.

  14. Hi Lauren,

    The situation in the US today is indeed one of confusion. While people are still hoping for the better, the worst is actually yet coming. Again, no leader can save the nation any longer. It is now time for everyone to make a very personal choice to either look up and surrender to God or hold on to man’s promises which hold no ground.

    Praise God for giving you the grace to speak boldly. Yes, God’s children will be speaking in these days for we are running out of time. Soon the warnings will stop so we must speak while we can; and thank you for sharing the video. The people of God receive from the same Holy Spirit, thus, we will hear the same message in these last days to warn both the world and the Body of Christ.

    Blessings in Yeshua,

  15. The sinking of the HMS Bounty signifies the end of prosperity for America. This land has been bountiful in food and resources, but no more for her sins are great. The blessings that once were have now capsized and sunk to be no more. Since many have rejected the Word of God a great famine is coming to this land, and, as such there will be no more bounty for this country. Please pray that the people would wake up and repent before they perish.
    Blessings to all you saints,

    • Hi Bonnie,

      Thanks for the comment. The only hope for the nation now is God but as America continues to be defiant, the bounty will never return. Yes, we must pray that people will listen and wake up to the truth and repent while they have the chance. Our God is compassionate; He does not delight in death, rather He wants everyone to turn from wickedness and live.

      Blessings in Yeshua,

  16. Here are my 2 cents— not too long ago someone sent me a post on a site and I cannot for the life of me remember who sent it, was it you Cynthia or Deidre? And I cannot even remember the post either or I’d share, but I thought it an very odd post because it was asking for prayer for Osama Bin Laden, Hussain of Iraq and someone else of those ‘nice’ dictators. Basically it was asking that we prayed that the occult veil of protection be lifted off of them. And I still have a tough time of grasping this concept still. But as one of the above posts stated, from Lauren, ‘ I believe that there is a cloud of confusion over our country.’ I am starting to understand why the elections went the way they did. And brother Wayne had sent me this post today,
    If we step back we can really see the big picture–ok follow me on this one, lets say an occult veil of protection exists, so all these leaders are protected— remember the enemy is a seducer and deceiver, so the women voters were seduced by this (I can’t understand because I can’t see it as many of the other gals might not be able either) this handsome smooth talker —you know the cross between James Dean and John Wayne with a touch of Elvis style man (hahahahahaha) and they are swooning to vote for him, then for the men, the HOOHAA basketball playing, golf player beer drinking buddy wins their vote. satan does his job well—thousands of yrs experience, and I suppose anyone would be great at their job. Hired on the spot. Add this veil of protection and no one sees the truth and buys into the lies, game set match. So as I am writing this out it is becoming clearer even to me, maybe too late for prayer that this veil be lifted, what is done is done, the veil will lift and their nakedness will be exposed for what it really is.
    Then as Cynthia said all we can do now is pray for that WE remain steadfast in our faith, eyes as a hawk to see through all the lies, discernment, ears to hear a pin drop, and strength to battle well for our KING. Ep 6:14-18 is the only way to go.

    • Hi Angela,

      You are right, it is too late to pray that the veil of protection over Obama be lifted. It is the Lord’s will that he keeps the office because America never changed her ways despite the obvious downward direction during Obama’s first term.

      No doubt that the women voters fulfilled the word of the Lord in my vision about “America’s destruction.” Remember that very shortly after I saw the train that hit an oblivious man, I saw Obama and heard Obamacare. Here is the excerpt from the news you link above:

      One key to Obama’s success: social issues. Nearly two times as many women as men rank matters like abortion and same-sex marriage as the most important issue that determined their vote, according to polling data.

      From the Democrats’ convention to Obama’s stump speeches to the campaign’s commercials, the president’s team put issues like pay equality and women’s healthcare at the center of its argument for his reelection.

      They denounced Romney for shifting positions on abortion and contraceptive rights since his 2002 election as governor of Democratic-leaning Massachusetts and for failing to support Obama-backed legislation easing the way for women to sue over workplace pay discrimination.

      It is more and more obvious to me now that America’s fall is directly connected to Obama and his policies as was also shown to me by the Lord through my vision of the fallen Obama. It is truly time to look up to Him… time to say, “Choose you this day whom you will serve.”

      Blessings in Yeshua,

  17. God never compromises on what man proposes to the world so far as their life style is concerned. The fashions of this world will soon come to an end. Our God is a righteous God. All His judgments are righteous and unquestionable. Man stands short of God’s standard to be acceptable in his walk of life. Surely man has lost sight of God’s plan for his life, and he always wants to live a life by sight, but not by faith. This is a tragic history of man. My heart is so grieved and consumed by the fear that a large part of the world is going to reel under the wrath of God soon after the Church is taken away from here.

    • Hi Austin,

      Thank you for coming to the blog and sharing your thoughts. I’d like to add that the inclinations of man are always toward evil and as he continually rejects truth and righteousness, the heart is hardened. We see it happening everyday. The acceptance and promotion of homosexuality and abortion like it is the norm is grave example of the hardening of the heart or the searing of the conscience. The last days is marked with great apostasy and wickedness, but as the world plunge deeper into darkness, those who love the Truth will be purified and refined further as the line is drawn clearly between righteousness and evil; and the wicked shall continue to do wickedly.

      Daniel 12:10
      Many will purify, cleanse and refine themselves; but the wicked will keep on acting wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand. But those with discernment will understand.



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